Friday, 31 December 2010

Treasure From Hell - treasure from hell, favors

This was purchased "hoping" that it would meet my expectations once I received it. When I did get the treasure chest, it was ABOVE AND BEYOND what I expected!!!! It was a huge hit for my pirate attire. Would recommend this to anyone that wants a great accent to their party/golf tournament! Inflatable Pirate Treasure Chest Cooler.

I bought this to use as decoration for my son's pirate themed birthday party. I used it as a cooler with ice & drinks. I had tons of people ask me where I got it and say what a neat idea it was. It's pretty durable even though it's blow up, but I still tried to be careful with it. It held ice and drinks just as well as a standard cooler would. - Pirate Ship - Treasure From Hell - Favors - Century Novelty'

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Postpartum Support - maternity belt, postpartum support

I ordered this product after doing much research about abdominal binding after pregnancy. I am very petite and did not gain much excess weight (except a BIG stomach)and had concerns about my waistline after delivery. I ordedred the size small first and needed the extra small less than 2 weeks of wearing the small. I am 5 weeks ouut now and the x-small is no longer effective. I am pleased with the results however I still have some belly "pudging". I am sure that with some exercise and right eating I will lose the excess. Pros: Great for initial loss of post-partum abdominal swelling; Great back support (especially for c-section). Cons: It is possible to go through 3 sizes in 4 weeks which can be expensive; Shows underneath clothing. Belly Bandit-Original (S, Nude)

I noticed a difference when I wore this! I really think that it helped my belly go down faster. I gave it 3 stars because it's expensive and should be more adjustable. It is a little uncomfortable but it really is just a velcro girdle so that is expected. To help make it more comfortable, I wore it over a cami.

This one did the job but I would go with the latest version- I think it's called the BFF? The newer one is more adjustable and isn't just a straight wrap.

I got this bandit later than they recommended... about 4 weeks post pregnancy. I wish I would have had it sooner when I was dropping 10 & 15 lbs a week, But it still works. It holds everything up and together so my shirts look better on me, and I'm not so conscious of my tummy. As I lose more weight I can see my belly shrink and not sag. I'll probably wear it for much much longer since I wasn't able to get it as quickly as I would have liked. On the down side, it wrinkles from continuous wear, and those are hard to get out, even after washing. Also, results are not dramatic, they are minimal, so don't think this is the "fix" you need to eat right and exercise too!

I personally love this product. I used a regular ace-bandage kind of thing with my daughter and it was awkward and didn't give me the results I wanted. So far, this is week 2, I have seen a huge difference with the Belly Bandit. The thing I like the most is that it's easy to put and doesn't move around too terribly much like the bandage did. I'm already a lot smaller than I was at this point after my first pregnancy. I really would recommend it for anyone who wants to get back in shape quickly and doesn't want to have a pooch left over. Belly wrapping is a great way to feel secure after having a baby, plus it helps you look and feel better too.

I like this product, not love. Think I would have been better off with the bamboo one because I read it was softer. Definitely holds in my tummy, and I won't leave the house without it because I would feel too jiggly. I had a C-section, so my incision still hurts even 4 weeks later, so I feel I can only where this BandIt for 6 hours a day, not all day and night. It does crinkle slightly at bottom from sitting. Overall, I think I got what I paid for. - Postpartum - Maternity Belt - Postpartum Support - Pregnancy'

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Jessica Chastain

What I can't understand is actually the fuss surrounding this film. People aren't just confused by it, they're acting offended by it. Apparently audiences in a lot of showings were yelling at the screen and snapping at people who tried to shush them. This movie was unusual, but I don't get what caused people to be so actively offended by it when they can sit through most movies, ambitious or otherwise, without any real problem. Is it the norm in our culture now to react to unexpected or strange images on the screen by getting angry and yelling? Could I just go out on a limb and say that if you leave before a film's over or spend the entire time yelling at the screen, I have no respect for your opinion of the film?Chimps parading as people aside, I at least enjoyed the movie. I saw it late in its run so I never had to worry about an audience yelling at the screen.I'm the kind of person who's patient. If a movie confuses me I don't flip out or start yelling and ranting; I sit it out. So that's what I did with this movie. I tried my best to see what Malick was doing, because I think it's pretty obvious that such a respected filmmaker would have seen at least some reason for making this movie.First of all, there's one major reason why this film isn't for everyone and it's not one I've heard anyone else mention:The film, from top to bottom, is extremely musical. I mean that in many ways, but let me be clearer: The father in the family the story focuses on wanted to be a conductor and dropped off that career path in favor of a secure job. The soundtrack is all very carefully-chosen classical music.And if you zoom out far enough, the overall structure of the film is actually a very musical one - you could almost see it as some insane variant on sonata form. It's hard to describe, but visual themes resurface at various times in the film in ways that feel very similar to recapitulations in music.As I said; not for everyone. I picked up on this stuff, but I'm a musician. I loved it.As far as the images of dinosaurs and the cosmos interspersed in it, my impression was that Malick was trying to show cycles of creation, longing and destruction in frameworks other than those of humans. As I saw it - and this is up for debate - I read the movie as showing a very eastern sort of philosophy; one that involves a sort of reincarnation or continuation beyond the lives and deaths of individuals, species, or even planets.Call that pretentious if you want, I thought it was done very nicely, though, and I'm very decidedly buying it as soon as it's out on DVD.Also, I don't get why people bothered yelling at the scenes of the cosmos. If you didn't get it, I still think it was some of the most beautiful visuals I've seen in a film in a really long time. Relax. It's pretty. The Tree of Life (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)

Terrence Malick's fifth feature is a mystifying and contemplative cinematic experience with a focus on the nature of good and evil, grace versus nature, god and his absence, love, grief, innocence, reconciliation and human existence all observed at times at a cosmic scale but mostly with intimate detail. Though far from containing a conventional narrative, the story within the enigmatic pondering of "The Tree of Life" revolves around Jack O'Brien, first seen as a wary middle aged man in modern times. He awakes one morning after he apparently dreams of his parents on the anniversary of the death of his brother who he loved deeply; a death that still troubles him. As he goes about his day working his corporate job the death of his sibling weighs heavily on him. Jack then begins, as he has probably done countless times before, to search for answers to that overburdening question `Why? Why do we die and what is the purpose of life'. Questions asked in hopes to better understand his loss and reconcile his grief.

The search for the answer, which inevitably questions god's existence, starts where one tends to look for something, the beginning. We are quickly transported to the very first moments of the creation of the universe and travel forward through time to the formation of earth, the dawn of living organisms at a microscopic level and eventually complex life forms. Next we get to the real center of the story as we witness the birth and childhood of Jack. This entire story is observed through Jacks memories of living in a small town in Texas during the 50's. I believe it is very important to consider that these scenes are told through his memory and so contain a dreamlike and visceral atmosphere. We are not watching it play out as a narrative would in any other film; instead we get fragments of his childhood, each an individual memory strung together as they flow through Jack's mind. The fact that these are memories also helps in understanding the view of his parents and the way in which they represent the sides of grace and nature to such extremes; as in Malick's "Days of Heaven" one questions whether they are a true representation of the characters or just how Jack remembers them so many years later.

Jessica Chastain plays `Mother', the way of grace, as a free spirited, caring and nurturing guide who teaches love, forgiveness and the enjoyment of life. The dueling force is nature, played incredibly well by Brad Pitt, as the disciplinarian father figure who runs his family with an iron fist in an attempt to instill toughness and a yearning for achieving greatness through any means. Together they reflect the inner workings of the cosmos and have a profound influence on Jack and at times he struggles to find a balance. As he grows he witnesses the harshness of the world around him, experiencing jealousy, lust, death and is often tempted by evil and sinful thoughts. At the same time however these struggles help him to grow and understand life and he comes to express a deep love and fondness for his family, especially his brother, though his mind still questions many things as it does for us all.

As expected with any Malick film the events in Jack's life are not a direct depiction of reality, and Malick really doesn't care much about their outcomes or how the story unfolds in a literal sense; instead what matters is making the audience experience these events through the inner mind and consciousness of the characters. As with his other work he relies heavily on voice over narration to convey the intimate thoughts of these characters, but this time they seem to be speaking for us and not just for themselves. All of this is constructed within a very visual backdrop with breathtakingly beautiful imagery utilizing lights, shadows, sounds, CGI, nature and settings with such perfection only a true artist like Malick could achieve giving even the most simple images complex meaning.

Together it is all truly poetry in motion and though it is a term I have used many times before it has never been more fitting. The entire film is unlike any other I have seen, one that will rattle your perspective on the world. Personally, the entire experience challenged me emotionally, mentally and spirituality; I'm not a religious man and I understand the examination of Christian values and Gods part in the story but the spiritualism at play I believe transcended religion or faith and although it looks to god for answers and at times tries to explain his actions, the thematic outcomes are open to so much interpretation that to claim you know the answer would undermine the films intentions. In the end there are no definitive answers; in the bigger picture of things we live but a small moment in time. One of the final scenes depicts what is seen to be `heaven' but not in a literal sense. God does not show his presence, and it isn't located among the clouds. One does not encounter angels and no answers are given to such complex questions like `Why are we here?", instead there are only the ones we love as we remember them. Heaven is merely the place within our hearts where we cherish the memories of the past and it is in those memories and through those people we lived them with that we find a meaning and a reason to love and live. It is there where one finds true reconciliation, understanding and peace and by films end that is what Jack and the audience get. It is such a powerful and poignant culmination of everything that comes before it and one cannot help but be moved by it all.

I should mention that Pitt's character genuinely believes that the world is a `survival of the fittest' sort of place, which plays a big part in his personality and how he treats his children. But at the same time he does want love and there is evidence of a level of grace within him, maybe because his father and mother represented the same sort of divide between grace and nature, instilling these sorts of things on him and though he tried to rejected certain aspects and struggled to find a balance like Jack his father's views were too strong and had the big impact on him. Now he is doing the same to his children whom I think at times he understands and possibly regrets but honestly thinks it is for the best. I think it does sort of show just how Pitt's character's parents had a similar effect on him (this struggle between toughness/love; mother vs./ father) which gets passed down throughout the generations, especially at that time in history when we tend to viewed father figures as disconnected and tough workers and mothers as simply caring nurturers.

I do think it is his best performance. There is so much complexity; he isn't just this authoritarian father figure, though on the surface that is what we see. He strongly has a desire to make it in the world and do the best for his family, but the only way he knows how is to be aggressive and when that creates a divide or he doesn't succeed you can see the disappoint and you understand the pain it must bring to him so he becomes a very sympathetic character and Pitt plays him all too well, expressing so much pain and anger in his face and movements. I would love to see him nominated for this role.

Jessica Chastain puts on just as wonderful of a performance playing the mother. This has a lot to be with her just being such a beautiful and elegant individual in real life and so was easily able to embody the character of `grace'. I must also mention Hunter McCracken who is just fantastic as Jack's childhood image. A young actor whose eyes seemed to express years of pain and deep thought, a rare thing.

Overall "The Tree of Life" will undoubtedly divide the general film going audience. In the showing I attended I saw one couple walk out while at the same time as the final scenes began to play a woman in front of me was in tears. No one will be affected in the same way as others; those with no previous experience with Malick's work might find the whole thing pretentious, difficult to understand and hard to sit through which is very understandable. Those with a bit of patience and an open mind will bear witness to what might possibly be one of the most ambitious, beautiful and best films ever that will stick with you long after you leave the theater and will be discussed and analyzed for years to come.'

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Digital Camera - photography, sd card

This WAS an excellent product. Now, for many of us, it's worthless. In May, I took it with my iPad to the Amazon jungle in Peru and was able to read the CF card from my Canon DSLR using a small CF card reader. It was brilliant. I could review my day's photos and decide where to shoot the next day based on whether or not I was happy with my results.

Then came the updated iOS 4.2 operating system for the iPad right at the beginning of December, and now this kit cannot read a CF card using an external reader. This is because Apple reduced the power to the port that this plugs into specifically to prevent people from plugging useful things into the USB connector. That's why I say to ignore any review before that time. Earlier reviews are talking about a product that actually works as designed. Only reviews after that tell you what it can do if you buy it now.

Still, this might work for some people, depending on your needs. Here's where you stand.

1. You only have SD cards in your cameras. You're probably fine. The SD dongle still reads most of those.

2. You have CF cards and need to read them with an external reader. You are completely out of luck unless you use a powered USB hub. At that point, you're carrying so much junk around, you may as well just take your laptop, and you must be near an electrical outlet for it to work at all.

3. You have CF cards and can attach a USB cable directly to your camera. This is a crap shoot. Some cameras work and some don't. You can either borrow a CCK from someone to see if it works with yours or you can just buy it and hope.

Some may wonder if my one-star is a little too harsh, given that this device still works in some situations. Normally, I would agree, but there's another point at work here. This isn't about a device that never had the capacity to do something you might want it to do. For that you knock it down a star or two. This is a device that worked perfectly when it was released and that the manufacturer has intentionally crippled. Both the iPad and this kit are capable of working, but Apple has removed that functionality in software. When a company breaks their own product on purpose, I think that deserves one star. Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit (MC531ZM/A)

The first thing that came to mind with the iPad was "perfect photo device!" so a big selling point of it was the ability to download my photos to the iPad on-location, edit them and upload them - something I usually can't do while out taking photos or on vacation.

In order to do that, you need the iPad Camera Kit (a currently very-hard-to-find item (I waited 4 weeks to receive mine as all the local stores sold out instantly after receiving shipments).

Right off the bat, I love that they give you 2 adapters (1 for SD cards, 1 for USB). I had no use for the SD adapter as all my cameras are compact flash. I would have happily bought a separate CF card reader if one were available, but no luck on that. If your camera uses something other than SD, you need to "tether" it to the iPad (meaning you plug the USB piece from the camera kit into the iPads dock port, plug your USB cable from your camera into your camera and the other end into the USB piece on the iPad). Not the most convenient method, especially when on-the-go, but its workable.

Plugging in my camera (a Canon 40D), the previews started to appear on the iPad. It took 36 seconds to load the first 35 previews (this is using a short USB cable and a high speed CF card (30MB/Sec). A big downside here is that you cant view the photos larger than a thumbnail without importing them, going to your photo albums, finding the folder it went to and then scrolling to find it. Importing photos (10MP RAW Files) took 6 seconds each. After importing you get the option to "Keep" or "Delete" them from the camera - this is a bit scary as if you're click-happy on the popup, you can end up deleting the photos from your camera (not a huge deal as theyre on the iPad, but definitely a bit of a scare). You can either select individual photos or choose to import everything from the card.

Imported photos go into a new folder in you Photos app - "All Imported" - it also creates a secondary folder: "Last Import" - I would have really liked a way to create a specific folder for each import rather than lumping it all into 1 folder.

The USB adapter is a bit picky as far as what it will accept, I hear some USB Card Readers will work with it (eliminating the need to tether your camera), but it's all a matter of trial and error. USB Keyboards work (again, not all - ones with USB ports on them will not work). You can also not import video files if you have something like a Flip HD camera. This was disappointing as the iPad would make a GREAT video playback screen (especially 720p video like the flip) - especially compared to the 1" screen most of these cameras have.

A big plus to apple for including RAW support on imports (instead of just JPEG).

With the many photo editing apps out there, you can easily take some photos on your camera, import them into the iPad, edit them however you'd like and upload them your photo sharing sites from just about anywhere. For that, it's worth it. It has all sorts of problems (no CF, requires tethering, slow import, no video, etc..) but it's the only option you have, and for that I have to recommend it.

While I agree on the outrageousness of the opportunistic pricing by marketplace vendors here at the moment, it does NOT mean this product should get a one star rating.

That being said, the connection kit (if you can get ahold of one) works as described. I've tested it with Nikon RAW NEF files and it works beautifully. It maintains the original untouched NEF through the camera -> iPad -> iPhoto on Mac path without compromising the RAW image - this was a major concern for me.

A friend has a DSLR that takes Compact Flash and after a great deal of research was able to find a USB card reader that was compatible with the USB connection adapter so she could view/transfer the images without having to tether the camera over USB! The biggest issue was finding a CF card reader that did not draw too much power from the iPad.

My only gripe, and the reason for the deduction of a star is the performance / ease of quickly reviewing images. I find the highest utility of this device is to quickly review a photo on a much larger screen while on location. When you first put the card in, the Photo app generates thumbnails of the images on the card. These are of a fixed size and to view the image any larger you must fully import the image into the Photo library on-device then view it. There is no way to view a larger image directly from the memory card. This makes the process of reviewing a few images amongst many pretty cumbersome.

For fun, I tried hooking up a USB keyboard to the USB adaptor and can confirm it works like reports elsewhere have said. 3rd party apps don't have access to all of the function keys/control key combinations yet but built in Apple apps do. Maybe in a future OS release? - Compact Flash - Photography - Sd Card - Cf Card'

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Keyless Entry - keyless deadbolt, electronic lock

For years we have been using a key pad activated deadbolt for front doors in our various homes - no keys to lose or give to various family members - only four digit codes. Up until now, all of the key pad units we have installed, extend and retract the deadbolt using a small battery powered electric motor.

This issue we've encountered is when the batteries become weak, the motor (in some cases) does not have enough power to retract the bolt and we must revert to another entrance to get into our home. Although these unit allow one to use a key to override the electronics, we never seem to have the key "on us" when it's needed. Fortunately we have a keypad on our garage door and that serves as an alternative entrance when this occurs. These deadbolt retraction failures have been occurring more and more often even with fresh batteries. I suspect the motor is or has worn out.

With this in mind, I shopped the market for an electronically activated dead bolt with manual bolt action. In other words, instead of a motor extending and retracting the deadbolt, one would use a lever or knob to perform this function. The keypad (electronic segment of the unit) would serve to activate the manual knob or lever. I found the Schlage BE365VCAM619 Camelot Deadbolt Keypad, Satin Nickel on Amazon at an extremely reasonable price and it has all of the features I wanted - electronic key pad activation, manual extension and retraction of the deadbolt upon activation.

The unit arrived yesterday and after a few problems with the unit being confused as to whether the bolt was retracted or extended (my fault), the unit works perfectly. Note, I already had a deadbolt lockset on the door, so it was a simple process of removing the old, and installing the new.

It's an extremely high quality unit without the cheap plastic casing my prior unit had on the inside casing. It's all metal. Changing or adding key pad codes (combinations) is relatively easy. One must enter the units six digit master code (don't lose this code, keep it in a place that you can go to each time you wish to change the codes - Using a permanent marker, I wrote it on the inside of the lock), and then enter your personal four digit code. We use two codes however the unit can store many codes. You may want to add a temporary code to let a service technician into your home, then delete that code when the work is completed.

One feature I like is the lighted key pad which our old unit did not have. If we forget to turn on the porch light, by simply pressing the "schlage" button at the top of the keypad, the keys light up.

Here's the basic operation.

When you're leaving the house, close the door, press the "schlage" button, wait for the click, then extend the deadbolt. You'll hear a confirmation click confirming that the locking knob/lever has been disengaged from the deadbolt after the deadbolt has been extended.

When you arrive home, simply enter your four digit code, you'll hear a click, then manually retract the deadbolt and enter the home. I you wish to use the keypad light; simply press the "schlage" button to light it up. Obviously this is not needed during daylight hours.

Basically the nine volt battery is operating the keypad, a knob/level engagement solenoid and the keypad back light and should last for hundreds and hundreds cycles.

Bottom Line - I highly recommend this high quality unit. Schlage BE365VCAM619 Camelot Keypad Deadbolt, Satin Nickel

I have had the brass version of this deadbolt for bout a year and I love it. It is th best one that I have come across (and yes - the most expensive - but you get what you pay for). It is eye-catching rather than an eye-sore. Be careful, some of the cheaper competitor's models have a plastic back that is very unappealing for a main door. The unit is smaller than many by requiring only a 9 volt battery because it does not lock/unlock the deadbolt for you. You do it manually.


1) Appealing design (front and back - no plastic)

2) Smaller than most (due to use of 9v battery)

3) Keypad lights up when you touch it for nighttime entry

4) Never get locked out. Give the neighbor a temporary code to get in.


1) Pricey ut you get what you pay for

I installed one of these for a client and it seems to be a good product as all the reviewers say. What no one has talked about however is the standard Shlage key that can also be used to open the lock. It seems to me that this would allow the possibility of using a "bump key" to open it. One of the benefits of digital locks is their immunity to bumping. If you want the keypad just for convenience, that is fine. Just remember that any lock that can be "bumped" provides zero security.

We were consistently running into problems with the number of house keys we had given out to: contractors, landscapers and house cleaners. At some point there's no way to track who's coming and going into your house and whether or not they left the keys.

This little gadget eliminates the issue. I can now program the lock with one-time or multiple use codes unique to each individual coming to my house. It installs as easy as any other deadbolt and programming new codes takes about 10 seconds. This has quickly become my favorite new gadget.

I purchased the Schlage electronic deadbolt to allow entry into our house in case I didn't have a key with me. It works very well. Only drawback that I see is that it needs to be placed on a solid door without a glass panel as the lock has a lever on the inside that operates the deadbolt. There is no option for key locking from the inside, only the lever. Locks only keep honest people out, so it's better to have a deadbolt that is key lockable from both sides if you have an exterior door with glass panels. No need making it easier for a thief to get in than is necessary. - Schlage - Keyless - Electronic Lock - Keyless Deadbolt'

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Alien Abductions - massager, scalp massager

A girlfriend of mine had raved about this TING TING scalp massager, that her and her boyfriend bought,unfortunately she got the non-vibrating one. But I got this one today and it's amazing. I suffer from headaches and sinus pressure, and this feels so good, it relieves so much head/stress tension immediately. A few initial uses and you get chills, but now it's just absolutely relaxing and rejuvenating. And it's great fun for couples, offer to massager your honeys scalp, you'll be each other's best friend. It's great on pressure points and stiff joints as well as your back and shoulders and neck!!!

I just received this little copper massager and am very satisfied after trying it. It definitely relaxed me and gave a special good feeling when it gently massaged my head. I will order more as a small gift for my family and friends. Strongly recommended.

I first became aware of these massagers when a friend showed me hers. It felt amazing so I had to have one. Unfortunately, this particular one is not as good. The spokes are too far apart such that the middle of your head doesn't get massaged. The spokes on my friend's massager almost touched and therefore when you placed it on the top of your head and pressed down they spread out and massaged your whole head. You have to hold this one at an angle to get the middle of your head. I have not been able to find my friend's model online. She bought hers at a health food store.

Furthermore, the shipping on this product is almost as much as the product itself.

I experienced a similar but non-motorized massager at a friends house and wanted one for myself. This model for some reason didn't give me the same feet-tingling sensation that the other one did, but I did like the motorized aspect of it which does seem to help with my occasional headaches or tiredness.

This is a fantastic contraption that will have your eyelids heavy and your face a good way! The Ting Ting collapses flat for easy storage, is lightweight for home or travel, isn't terribly noisy, and feels wonderful. Within seconds of operation, you'll be relaxed and in a self induced coma! My only negative comment, dare I say on this exhilarating product, would be if the tingling arms aren't spaced correctly as they are free to sway back and forth to adjust to the shape our your head, they sometimes omit a buzzing or rattling sounds that's annoying. I might suggest cutting a 1 inch long tube spacer, purchased at most eyeglass stores for the glasses arm, and place it anywhere the copper Ting Ting arms tend to rub and make noise. You'll love this massager at first trying!


I got this as a Christmas gift from my husband, and I was initially very skeptical. I get frequent headaches, some of which are migraines, so I'm definitely willing to try some different things to get relief from the pains. Ting Ting worked wonders, giving me relief in a matter of seconds! With mild headaches, it gets rid of the ache quickly and keeps it away. I found with the strong migraines that it definitely decreases the pain to almost nothing while turned on; however, it didn't get rid of it entirely, and I found the migraine creeping back after a bit. The level of pain improves significantly, but, for me, it wasn't a cure-all. Don't throw out the migraine pills just yet, but I highly recommend this for people with or without headaches of any kind. It will be used over and over and over again in our home, for sure. Enjoy!

I just got this in the post today, and it was awesome! The only improvement I would make is to have the tips covered with a softer material and add more "fingers" in the center. It is great with or without the massage function on. It really does relax you once the chills go away.

I gave this a gift to a friend who was having hair loss from stressed scalp. She loved it and so did her two boys. Just make sure you only use it for less than 5 minutes - or you'll go from being relaxed to being overstimulated (like a caffine high). We have important glands on our head that controll our nervous system. In the right hands, I recommend it!

I bought this item because it was cheaper than the "original" scalp massager. It does a good job and i like that you can move the legs, although they aren't as smooth as they could be. The vibrating function is a plus as that helps the legs move along the head but the button is a little fussy and sometimes I have to press it several times to get the button to stay pushed. - Alien Abductions - Massager - Scalp Massagers - Scalp Massager'

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Belly Dancing - belly dance, belly dancing

So I bought this hip scarf for my Halloween costume, I was a gypsy. I loved it! It's a lotta fun and it's not like cheap material :) I don't personally belly dance but it's really pretty! I would love to buy more colors and use it for costumes again :) 100% Handmade Belly Dance Hip Scarf Purple, Gold Coins Lively Style

This scarf is very well made and extremely pretty! Feel very exotic and sexy when I wear it and it makes me forget that I'm belly dancing. BTW--coins are gold, not silver as the picture leads you to believe.

100% Handmade Belly Dance Hip Scarf Purple, Gold Coins Lively StyleThis hip scarf is very well made and is way more beautiful than it appears in the photo. When one puts it on, it take's one away from the humdrum of western life and into the exotic lands of the east, whether or not one can actually belly dance.

This is a handmade skirt with 2 rows of coins. The coins hang with sequined circles. While this skirt does not make as much "noise" as the red skirt, also offered by Amazon, it is heavier in weight which can be helpful when learning to dance. There are 4 small rows of coin-colored beads at the top and 1 row at the top of the second layer of coins. The ties also have the sequins and coins. The material is a better quality than others. The purple color looks great with black or white. I gave this item 4 stars because of the shipping costs. I would buy more but the shipping costs compared to the great price is ridiculous.

Overall this is a great skirt. The quality of the material and detail on the beading was beautiful. It is a little shorter than how it looks in the picture but other than that I'm very impressed with it.

This belly scarf will become one of your favorites as you dance or sway your hips! Feels well made. The only thing I would have changed would have been to ad a third row of "bangles" so as to make it a bit longer. Great purchase! - Belly Dance - Hip Scarf - Belly Dancing - Costumes'

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Ergonomic Keyboard - logitech, cordless

My K350 came yesterday and I'm quite pleased, in contrast to the other review. I've been using PCs since 1980, so I've typed on a bunch of keyboards, all the way back to the original IBM PC and a handful of DEC and other terminal boards. This is the first "wave" keyboard that I've used, but not the first with an attached palm rest.


The feel of the entire unit is solid, and the keys seem to have a good response. (It's not as solid as my Northgate OmniKey, but nobody has made mainstream metal keyboards for over a decade.) The keys seemed to be spaced and sized much like any other keyboard, then I measured. The keys on my basic Dell keyboard are 3/4" square, nearly flat, and touch each other. These keys are separated, deeper like an older keyboard, and just about 5/8" square, though there is enough space between them that they are almost 3/4" from center to center. My conclusion is that these keys are, indeed, typical in size and spacing. The wave shape makes the positions a bit different fom what I'm accustomed to, but not enough to cause me problems.

The palm rest is lightly padded and I find it quite comfortable, though for me it is a wrist rest as I have small hands -- 6 1/2" from base to fingertip. There are two feet on the back for either a 4° or an 8° angle lift. BTW, when the keyboard is flat on the desk the front edge of the palm rest is 7/8" off the desktop in the middle where you wouldn't have your hands. Where your hands go, it is 5/8" off the desktop. I must also say that my wrists are beginning to feel a wee bit chaffed, but, since I don't do that much typing any more, my habits have become lax, and I know I'm moving my hands around when I should be leaving them in place. Looking at the bottom, I'd say that the palm rest could be removed and recovered with other material, but you would have to put it back on or the base of the keyboard would stick out.

DIMENSIONS: about 19" by 10 1/8" at the widest part of the wave.

POWER: 2 AA batteries, included; on/off switch on the underside; battery monitor when you press a function key, but the picture is misleading. The picture looks as if the battery light shows you the level of power, which it does not. However, there is a tab in the SetPoint software that will at least tell me that my brand new batteries are "good." Right now the battery light is green. When you first power up the keyboard, the battery light will turn green if the batteries are good. I tried putting in a couple used batteries to see if the light has another color to tell you the batteries are low, but I couldn't find a combo that gave me anything but green or no light.


The black set of keys at the top center that control volume and pause/play/stop/ff/rev cannot be reprogrammed.

Ten of the 12 function keys (document, spreadsheet, calendar, 3 unassigned, browser, messaging, e-mail, search) can be reprogrammed using the SetPoint software; only F11 (battery light) and F12 (CD/DVD eject) cannot. You can program the keys to: launch a program; open a file, a folder or a web page; show a custom menu; perform a keystroke combination; do nothing (very useful if you don't want to perform the default action but haven't anything else to assign to the key); or perform another of the preprogrammed actions. When you launch a program with a function key, the name of the program flashes on the screen briefly to tell you what you just started. The original set up is that you have to press the "Fn" key at the bottom right with the function key to get the special, programmed function; however, you can change it so that you press a function key alone to get a special function and have to press Fn to get the normal function key.

Of the 8 silver specialty keys, only the zoom key on the left cannot be reprogrammed. The silver "PC" key on the top far right can be changed, but in a more limited fashion. It will sleep the PC, restart, shut down, log off, or do nothing. The other 6 can be programmed the same way as the 10 function keys. That gives you a total of 16 keys that can be very flexibly programmed. I find that quite useful.

You can choose to disable the caps lock, num lock, scroll lock, Windows start, and insert keys so that you can't accidentally press them. You can also choose to have a sound play when you do press any of them, and/or have a notice flash briefly on the screen to tell you what state they are now in. There are no num lock or caps lock lights on the keyboard itself to tell you when they are on.

RECEIVER EXTENDER CABLE: I wondered about that one and couldn't find info on Logitech's site. It's a 5' USB cable that you can use to extend the range of the receiver plug. Plug the receiver in this cable, then the cable into the PC, stretch out the cable and your PC is now that much closer to your keyboard. On the other hand, I walked to the end of my room, about 15', and reception was still fine without the extender cable. I presume it's intended for use with large screen TV setups in big rooms or projection/lecture setups, because by the time you get far enough away to need it you can't see a normal PC screen. Well, *I* can't, anyway.

"UNIFYING": If you actually read the info about the devices with "unifying" technology on either the Amazon pages or the Logitech site, you will quickly realize that Logitech's "unifying" technology is new and does not work with older mice and keyboards, and that there are only a few keyboards and mice out for it at the moment. Oh, well. I guess I wasn't surprised at all that because I already had two Logitech wireless mice and neither worked with the other's receiver. I thought that was dumb till I realized that if they did speak to each other's receivers and you had two PCs in the same room using those mice, might both mice be controlling the cursors on both machines? No doubt the new tech has a way of identifying the devices and linking them to a particular machine to prevent a problem like that. I have an Anywhere mouse on order, which is one of the ones that has "unifying," so I'm delighted with the idea. Not only fewer cords, but also fewer USB dongles. Life is good. Logitech K350 2.4Ghz Wireless Keyboard - Wireless - Cordless - Ergonomic Keyboard - Logitech'

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Ergonomic Keyboard - logitech, cordless

My K350 came yesterday and I'm quite pleased, in contrast to the other review. I've been using PCs since 1980, so I've typed on a bunch of keyboards, all the way back to the original IBM PC and a handful of DEC and other terminal boards. This is the first "wave" keyboard that I've used, but not the first with an attached palm rest.


The feel of the entire unit is solid, and the keys seem to have a good response. (It's not as solid as my Northgate OmniKey, but nobody has made mainstream metal keyboards for over a decade.) The keys seemed to be spaced and sized much like any other keyboard, then I measured. The keys on my basic Dell keyboard are 3/4" square, nearly flat, and touch each other. These keys are separated, deeper like an older keyboard, and just about 5/8" square, though there is enough space between them that they are almost 3/4" from center to center. My conclusion is that these keys are, indeed, typical in size and spacing. The wave shape makes the positions a bit different fom what I'm accustomed to, but not enough to cause me problems.

The palm rest is lightly padded and I find it quite comfortable, though for me it is a wrist rest as I have small hands -- 6 1/2" from base to fingertip. There are two feet on the back for either a 4° or an 8° angle lift. BTW, when the keyboard is flat on the desk the front edge of the palm rest is 7/8" off the desktop in the middle where you wouldn't have your hands. Where your hands go, it is 5/8" off the desktop. I must also say that my wrists are beginning to feel a wee bit chaffed, but, since I don't do that much typing any more, my habits have become lax, and I know I'm moving my hands around when I should be leaving them in place. Looking at the bottom, I'd say that the palm rest could be removed and recovered with other material, but you would have to put it back on or the base of the keyboard would stick out.

DIMENSIONS: about 19" by 10 1/8" at the widest part of the wave.

POWER: 2 AA batteries, included; on/off switch on the underside; battery monitor when you press a function key, but the picture is misleading. The picture looks as if the battery light shows you the level of power, which it does not. However, there is a tab in the SetPoint software that will at least tell me that my brand new batteries are "good." Right now the battery light is green. When you first power up the keyboard, the battery light will turn green if the batteries are good. I tried putting in a couple used batteries to see if the light has another color to tell you the batteries are low, but I couldn't find a combo that gave me anything but green or no light.


The black set of keys at the top center that control volume and pause/play/stop/ff/rev cannot be reprogrammed.

Ten of the 12 function keys (document, spreadsheet, calendar, 3 unassigned, browser, messaging, e-mail, search) can be reprogrammed using the SetPoint software; only F11 (battery light) and F12 (CD/DVD eject) cannot. You can program the keys to: launch a program; open a file, a folder or a web page; show a custom menu; perform a keystroke combination; do nothing (very useful if you don't want to perform the default action but haven't anything else to assign to the key); or perform another of the preprogrammed actions. When you launch a program with a function key, the name of the program flashes on the screen briefly to tell you what you just started. The original set up is that you have to press the "Fn" key at the bottom right with the function key to get the special, programmed function; however, you can change it so that you press a function key alone to get a special function and have to press Fn to get the normal function key.

Of the 8 silver specialty keys, only the zoom key on the left cannot be reprogrammed. The silver "PC" key on the top far right can be changed, but in a more limited fashion. It will sleep the PC, restart, shut down, log off, or do nothing. The other 6 can be programmed the same way as the 10 function keys. That gives you a total of 16 keys that can be very flexibly programmed. I find that quite useful.

You can choose to disable the caps lock, num lock, scroll lock, Windows start, and insert keys so that you can't accidentally press them. You can also choose to have a sound play when you do press any of them, and/or have a notice flash briefly on the screen to tell you what state they are now in. There are no num lock or caps lock lights on the keyboard itself to tell you when they are on.

RECEIVER EXTENDER CABLE: I wondered about that one and couldn't find info on Logitech's site. It's a 5' USB cable that you can use to extend the range of the receiver plug. Plug the receiver in this cable, then the cable into the PC, stretch out the cable and your PC is now that much closer to your keyboard. On the other hand, I walked to the end of my room, about 15', and reception was still fine without the extender cable. I presume it's intended for use with large screen TV setups in big rooms or projection/lecture setups, because by the time you get far enough away to need it you can't see a normal PC screen. Well, *I* can't, anyway.

"UNIFYING": If you actually read the info about the devices with "unifying" technology on either the Amazon pages or the Logitech site, you will quickly realize that Logitech's "unifying" technology is new and does not work with older mice and keyboards, and that there are only a few keyboards and mice out for it at the moment. Oh, well. I guess I wasn't surprised at all that because I already had two Logitech wireless mice and neither worked with the other's receiver. I thought that was dumb till I realized that if they did speak to each other's receivers and you had two PCs in the same room using those mice, might both mice be controlling the cursors on both machines? No doubt the new tech has a way of identifying the devices and linking them to a particular machine to prevent a problem like that. I have an Anywhere mouse on order, which is one of the ones that has "unifying," so I'm delighted with the idea. Not only fewer cords, but also fewer USB dongles. Life is good. Logitech K350 2.4Ghz Wireless Keyboard - Wireless - Cordless - Ergonomic Keyboard - Logitech'

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Ipod Accessory - ipod cable, audio cables

I currently own an iphone that I keep in an otterobox. I have been searching for an aux cable for my car that would fit my iphone with its case on. Well, after trying many cheap and expensive cables, I have found the "one". This Mediabridge cable is not your usual wimpy thin cable you would find for $1 that stops working correctly after a few months, nor is it an expensive one with ends so thick it won't fit in my iphone, it is made very well and its plugs are "stepped" so it is sleek enough to fit in anything with a case on. I am very impressed, and its not easy to impress me. The cable is thick and solid, seems very sturdy and you can't beat it for the price. I am DEFINITELY going to purchase more for my home and recommend Mediabridge cables to all my friends and coworkers. Mediabridge, you have just acquired a customer for life. Mediabridge - 3.5mm Male To 3.5mm Male Stereo Audio Cable [New design accomodates iphone, itouch, smartphone and mp3 cases] - (4 Feet)

For all you frequent travelers who've lost the audio cable for the Sony MDR-NC60 headphone this cable will not necessarily be the perfect replacement cord. First, the connector doesn't quite fit in the headphone jack; however, you can give it a little push to make it fit. Another option is to unscrew the cover a bit. Second, the cord is a foot shorter; however, this may actually be more optimal. Third, the cord is rather thick (generally a great thing) which becomes somewhat noticeable. Finally, the cable does not have a right angle connection at the seat connection point. Having said all this, I'm really really happy with this cable and it suits me well as a replacement cable for my Sony headphone.

For all others: this cable is really well made. The connectors are gold plated metal with a screw on metal cover and plastic injection sealed solder connection areas. Normally you'd only find molded plastic ends. The fact that the ends are made of actual metal components will allow you to, if $7 bucks is too much money, to fix these cables and/or customize it to suit your taste. Hobbyist will really appreciate this cable.

I had purchased another cable before buying this one. That one was totally a waste of money. This product is great and can be used conveniently with iphones and ipods. I would highly recommend this cable.

I ordered this product. It came in VERY fast I'd say the fastest anything has ever came in from Amazon. It is think & very stable!! It also fits right into the body glove & otterbox hard case!! I would 100% recommend this to other buyers.

This cable looks bigger in the close-up picture but it's actually very sleek and slinder. I wanted a cable that wasn't too long to use in my car for my ipod and this was perfect. It doesn't get tangled up like the other longer cord I've had. Quality-wise, it feels sturdy and heavier than other cheaper cables. Sound quality is great. Would definitely buy again if I needed another one.

Initially I debated whether to spend 7$ to buy a 3.5mm cable when other vendors are offering for much below rate. But after I got the product, I am not regretting it. Awesome durability and mainly awesome quality. It has no disturbance and clear audio coming from my iPad to my car speakers.


I currently own an iphone that I keep in a case. I searched for an aux cable for my car that would fit my iphone in its case. After several months of removing the case from my phone to connect it to my car sterio, I found the this one. This Mediabridge cable works well and appears to be well constructed. its plugs are stepped down to a diameter small enough seat fully into my phone in the case. I recommend this cable.

I did not expect this cable to have the build quality that it does for the price. It feels very well made and seems like it will last a long time. I really like the stepped connector, it allows me to connect to my device even though it is in a case. I would highly recommend this cable. - Ipod Cable - Ipod Accessory - Audio Cable - Audio Cables'

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Team Building Games

I was thrilled to come across Great Group Games. I am a Substance Abuse Counselor at a maximum security Women's Prison. The women I work with are receiving treatment and therapy for their addiction problems. I have used this book to foster team work, increase motivation and teach the women how to have fun in healthy ways without the use of mind-altering substances. We have experienced much laughter and joy in an otherwise dark environment due to the creative ideas in this book. And the best part is, there is no need to prep for these activities-- they are already laid out clearly and have proven to be very therapeutic... not just for inmates, but for staff! Great Group Games: 175 Boredom-Busting, Zero-Prep Team Builders for All Ages

Yes, as an educator, I have always hated group games and have resisted including them as part of my class activities even when they could have been extremely beneficial. After working with Ann and Susan, seeing their brilliance in working with both small and large groups, I realized that I needed to open my mind to the power and value of group games. I was thrilled when they decided to share with the world what they had been doing for years with great success. This book is a MUST for anyone wanting quick, easy games for groups of all levels and all sizes.

As a pastor for Youth and Children, I am always looking for new and creative games. This book is a wonderful resource for "just-for-fun" games as well as for trust-building games. The de-briefing that is included after every game has insightful questions for all ages. I have used many of these games with both elementary age children as well as youth with great success. It has many of the classics as well as great new games and I recommend it to those needing to add some games to their repetoire.

This book put many of the classic games and some great new games in a format that was easy to follow! Working with teens, you have to provide gradual levels of trust to build relationships and this book starts simple and works through to more complex. I am constantly refering to it when doing teen leadership as well as fun corporate level ice breakers.

This book does have a lot of games, but they aren't the type of games I was looking for. I'm a teacher and I wanted some educational/learning games, but these are more the type of games for filling time or something I would do with a student club, but not quite what I want for class.

Many of the ideas in this book would be very good for a teacher planning rainy day "recess" activities, but not so useful for most others.


- Good variety of activities and goals to be accomplished by those activities

- The "good" ideas are fantastic


- The idea that these are "zero-prep" is misleading. Most require you to use what they call "supplies" which must be set-up, distributed, or other-wise prepared

- The authors list slight variations of the same game as entirely new ones. For example, having an individual scavenger hunt and doing it as a team is still just a scavenger hunt (there are at least 4 variations of a scavenger hunt that are all listed as different games)

- Many of the explanations are confusing or incomplete

Bottom Line: The few things I like about the book, I absolutely LOVE. For example, there is an icebreaker that involves the group introducing themselves to the tune of a song. That idea is fantastic. However, the rest of the stuff is more of a psychological experiment than "zero-prep team builders for all ages".

In my opinion, the book can be broken down roughly as follows:

10% "Gems" - great, unique, and useful ideas

60% Mediocre - so-so ideas; or ideas that could be good, but require too much explanation or impractical "supplies"

30% Crap - lame, contrived, or flat out repetitive stuff

This book has been one of the best purchases I've made. The games are quick and easy to learn and implement and the kids have LOVED them. My 5th graders frequently ask to replay these games when we are stuck inside. Some favorites were Zip - Bong, Zoom-Wacka Zoom, and Pass the Can. I don't know what I would do without this great book!

If your looking for a wonderful game idea book for your next gathering, this is it. Great Group Games was full of ideas for easy to put together games for our youth group. I'm glad I bought this one.'

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Kindle - kindle accessory, kindle 2 charger

An earlier travel charger for Kindle 2 sold by this vendor was unanimously condemned for not working. This version, though, works just fine. (Different manufacturer, I suppose.) Charges pretty quickly, too. Price can't be beat. White Rapid Home Travel Charger with IC Chip for Amazon Kindle 2 Wireless Rea...

I received this brand new white rapid home travel charger unit last Feb. 4. While in the USA, the unit worked (plugged in 110VAC/60Hz power outlet) twice used it. I am now in Asia (Feb. 11) where the power is 240VAC/50Hz. After plugging it in with my Kindle 2, it initially looked alright with red LED "on" (and yellow LED on Kindle "on"). Some time later, the unit popped open (not exactly sure how long after I plugged it as I left the Kindle 2 unit recharging in another room). The back cover blew-off and was found 10 inches away with black burn marks inside surface. A black transistor component part (labelled Q2 on circuit board) burst - surely a fire hazard and safety risk! Now it is not working (red LED "off", yellow LED light "off" in Kindle 2). Luckily my Kindle 2 is not damaged! This is definitely a poorly made product with inferior, sub-standard electronic parts, and the maker seems to have no quality control measures (no UL testing marks, etc. and no other consumer product safety testing certifications). DO NOT BUY THIS CRAP!

This is a piece of garbage that doesn't work. Kindle charging light never goes on, doesn't charge.

Now it's totally ridiculous that I have to spend $20 for replacement charger for the Kindle (shame on Amazon), but even worse that I spent money on this piece of cr*p.

Just received this charger and it does not function at all. It is possible that mine was simply defective, however, and not an accurate representation of the product. Be that as it may, I'm still forced to buy a different one.

I didn't actually order this product it was sent in error. I did order a car charger for my Kindle which came along with the cell phone charger that said car charger but it was not.Not a big deal except that I was told I would have to contact the vendor to get a refund! That irritated me since I had nothing to do with ordering it. I tried several times to get a response but the cell charger wasn't worth the effort. it was a very inexpensive cell phone charger so I chaulked it up to a loss. However, I will make sure I don't receive any extra items I didn't order the next time and If I do everything will go back.

It is a great Idea. But when I pluged it into my Kindle. It would not charge it. The light was on so I know it was getting power but the charging light on my Kindle would come on for about 30 seconds then turn off. It would not charge.

I bought this to keep at work as a back up to the OEM Kindle Charging cable. Since it's only a back up, I was looking to save a few bucks. I plugged it into my dead Kindle this morning to find it failed to charge.

I've since placed a rush order for and OEM cable to replace it, since I'm out of town for the next week. Saving a few bucks wound up costing me much more. - Kindle Accessory - Kindle 2 Charger - Kindle 2 Wall Charger'

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Kindle - kindle accessory, kindle 2 charger

An earlier travel charger for Kindle 2 sold by this vendor was unanimously condemned for not working. This version, though, works just fine. (Different manufacturer, I suppose.) Charges pretty quickly, too. Price can't be beat. White Rapid Home Travel Charger with IC Chip for Amazon Kindle 2 Wireless Rea...

I received this brand new white rapid home travel charger unit last Feb. 4. While in the USA, the unit worked (plugged in 110VAC/60Hz power outlet) twice used it. I am now in Asia (Feb. 11) where the power is 240VAC/50Hz. After plugging it in with my Kindle 2, it initially looked alright with red LED "on" (and yellow LED on Kindle "on"). Some time later, the unit popped open (not exactly sure how long after I plugged it as I left the Kindle 2 unit recharging in another room). The back cover blew-off and was found 10 inches away with black burn marks inside surface. A black transistor component part (labelled Q2 on circuit board) burst - surely a fire hazard and safety risk! Now it is not working (red LED "off", yellow LED light "off" in Kindle 2). Luckily my Kindle 2 is not damaged! This is definitely a poorly made product with inferior, sub-standard electronic parts, and the maker seems to have no quality control measures (no UL testing marks, etc. and no other consumer product safety testing certifications). DO NOT BUY THIS CRAP!

This is a piece of garbage that doesn't work. Kindle charging light never goes on, doesn't charge.

Now it's totally ridiculous that I have to spend $20 for replacement charger for the Kindle (shame on Amazon), but even worse that I spent money on this piece of cr*p.

Just received this charger and it does not function at all. It is possible that mine was simply defective, however, and not an accurate representation of the product. Be that as it may, I'm still forced to buy a different one.

I didn't actually order this product it was sent in error. I did order a car charger for my Kindle which came along with the cell phone charger that said car charger but it was not.Not a big deal except that I was told I would have to contact the vendor to get a refund! That irritated me since I had nothing to do with ordering it. I tried several times to get a response but the cell charger wasn't worth the effort. it was a very inexpensive cell phone charger so I chaulked it up to a loss. However, I will make sure I don't receive any extra items I didn't order the next time and If I do everything will go back.

It is a great Idea. But when I pluged it into my Kindle. It would not charge it. The light was on so I know it was getting power but the charging light on my Kindle would come on for about 30 seconds then turn off. It would not charge.

I bought this to keep at work as a back up to the OEM Kindle Charging cable. Since it's only a back up, I was looking to save a few bucks. I plugged it into my dead Kindle this morning to find it failed to charge.

I've since placed a rush order for and OEM cable to replace it, since I'm out of town for the next week. Saving a few bucks wound up costing me much more. - Kindle Accessory - Kindle 2 Charger - Kindle 2 Wall Charger'

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