Two weeks ago we got Razor A Kick scooters for my 6 year old daughter and four year old son. Needless to say my two year old son wanted to keep up with the older kids and this scooter is perfect. Overall it is smaller than the Razor A, but has a wider sturdier base. Granted it does not go fast, nor does it have the maneuverability of the older kids' scooters, but my son is happy. He wanted his very own scooter and now he has it. There is no need for him to go fast or attempt to do any tricks. While the older kids are whizzing down the block he is right next to me putzing around, happy as can be. Also, my four year old will occasionally get off of his Razor A and get on the kiddie scooter. He can maneuver the kiddie scooter fine but doesn't ride it for very long because it lacks speed and he has to constantly keep pushing off with his foot.
Bottom line- It's a great scooter for 2-3 year olds. If your child is 4 or older, and remotely coordinated, get the Razor A Kick Scooter, they will like the speed and maneuverability way better. Razor Jr. Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter (Blue)
We were trying to decide between this and the Dora the Explorer scooter for Christmas. We finally decided to go with the Razor as it looked to be better built. It has been ridden on the street, the sidewalk, the kitchen floor and it has not had a single problem. It is quiet and solid and works as advertised. I was worried that it would be too difficult for a 4yr old to ride, but the 3rd wheel is just what she needed. This is a recent revision and includes a nifty feature: it folds up. My husband was quite happy with this. Eventually you will get to the bottom of the hill, the kid will not want to push it back up and you will be carrying it. This just makes it easier. Just a note: helmut is a MUST. They can really get some speed going and there is no good way to stop.
The two wheel razor scooters are great. We own three of them. However this three wheel version just isn't a good product. If you want a good scooter for a kids who is under 5, buy the Mini Micro (also called the Mini Kick). It's fantastic! Stable. Fast. Easy to ride. I know 18 month old kids who cruise around the play ground fast. My 3 1/2 year old daughter has used hers every day for the last 18 months. The razor three wheel scooter is heavy, slow and unstable. The front frequently falls over and is difficult to steer. We had one and I got rid of it because it was making my child unhappy. Please don't waste your money. Buy the Mini Micro, and then buy a two wheel razor when they turn 5. Then, when they're 8, buy a Grow Ped.
I'd rate this scooter average. My kid like's it. It seems sturdy & well assembled. My only issue is the friction on the wheels is too tight. I emailed razor and they said that is intentional. Pretty much all my 3yr can do is put one foot on and push with the other, by the time he tries putting the pushing foot on it has stopped. Hopefully they will loosen a little or I can assist them.
This scooter has wheels that don't turn freely when a child is riding it. My three year old son can't even coast down a slight grade without having to push to prevent from coming to a stop. If he is on a level grade or going up any kind of incline the effort to push the scooter is restrained by the "genius" design of sticky bearings that prevent the wheels from turning. I tried to get this issue resolved with Razor and they were rude and demeaning. In fact I'm giving away a twice used model if you're interested. You're better of putting your kid on a piece of plywood with square wheels than buying this POS.
I bought this scooter for my 3 year old so he would have a good quality first scooter that also looked like his older brother's Razor scooter. The first one that arrived in the mail had the plastic around the wheels broken off so we had to return it. The second one arrived and has been fine ever since but I worry about all the plastic. With a boy riding it (and one already arriving broken), I wonder how long the plastic will hold up. Considering the regular Razors are all metal, I'm not sure why the base and unerside has so much plastic on it. That's my only complaint. Otherwise, it's a great first scooter.
Look for a Jr. scooter with the two wheels in the front rather than the back. A three wheel scooter makes sense for a Jr. learner, but having the two wheels in the back make it impossible for him place his two feet on the scooter to enjoy the ride. My son's friends have have the scooters with the two wheels in the front and roll around with agility.
Besides the basic design flaw, our scooter came from Amazon with wobbly wheels and a pull stand that did not function smoothly. Also the plastic base is somewhat flimsy. We have two of the "real" Razors and expected the same quality from this Jr. version. We are totally disappointed - Pre-kindergarte - Toddler Toys - Razor Scooter - Scooter'
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