If headphones are your primary listening mode, you need a headphone amp. I use a NuForce UDAC-2HP for computer sound. I purchased the Fiio E9 to connect to my main stereo. I'm not going to use the docking port to install a Fiio E7 USB DAC/AMP or an iPod.
The E9 is relatively small, but I wouldn't term it "lightweight" for its size. It's solidly built, with a black anodized finish.
Using a 3.5mm stereo male plug to RCA left/right male plugs adapter, I ran the output of the tape monitor of my integrated amp into the E9. The 3.5mm stereo plug goes into the E9's "Line In" socket and the RCA plugs into the integrated amp. Plug in the wall wart power supply and your headphones and that's it--just turn it on. I've experienced no issues with a "scratchy" sound from the volume pot, which might be related to the docking port. The volume pot is smooth and the E9 has a silent backdrop.
What you will get is more snap and punch, faster attack, and more harmonic layering. Initially it might seem there's less bass, until you realize that there's plenty of deep, clean bass--it's not bloated muck caused by an inexpensive headphone circuit. I've used the E9 with Beyerdynamic DT990 Premium 250 Ohm phones and the Denon AHD2000, and had good results with both. There is a gain switch, so experiment with the setting that's best. The E9 can produce all the volume you'll ever want.
At the E9's price, it can't be a state-of-the-art headphone amp, but it is an excellent piece of electronics that will be a major upgrade of your listening experience. It might be all you need.
Update 3/23/2011: I've used the Fiio E9 for 3 months with a variety of headphones, including the Ultrasone PRO 750, and I'm still impressed. I've looked at headphone amps costing significantly more, and the Fiio E9 remains a superb value equal to more costly amps. Like another reviewer, I would have preferred RCA inputs instead of a 3.5mm "Line In," but with a solid RCA to 3.5mm adapter (like the Monster CableLinks), you can use high quality interconnects. Audio products at this price point always have trade-offs, but Fiio did a stellar job with the E9. FiiO E9 Desktop Headphone Amplifier and Dock for E7 USB DAC
I have had a portable amp (headbit) ever since I purchased a pair of Sennheiser HD 650s a couple years ago. I have been shopping for a desktop amp ever since but could not pull the trigger as every amp I tried for under $300, either distorted the sound from the headphones or it did not have enough power to drive them. There were a few amps I really liked in the $300-1000 dollar range but had difficulty in justifying spending that kind of money. I already own an E5 amp and use it when traveling to add some power for my Senn HD590's. I was impressed with that little guy that cost me $22 and nearly sounds as good as the bithead with the 590's (the E5 does not come close to driving the 650's properly and now that I have the E9 neither does the bithead portable) so I put the E9 on my wishlist for the holidays and Santa delivered it on Christmas morning.
This amp is fantastic and rivals a couple of the $500 desktops I have auditioned in the past. Good clean and natural sounding with plenty of power to spare. The sound is fantastic, a big step up from the bithead(portable) from a music detail and power standpoint. Am re-enjoying my entire music library.
If you have some hard to drive headphones, and like me could not justify spending $500 for a decent desktop amp, the E9 is for you. For the amazon price tag of $129, you really cannot go wrong here. This is one of the best bang for the buck items I have owned in the past couple years.
No sense gushing over this amp, it's already been done. I can think of very few headphones this amp won't drive nicely and shine with. If you're buying any of those cans, you probably aren't buying this amp. My headphones all sound great through it. A great feature is the smaller of the two jacks has extra resistance built in, allowing more volume control.
It's built well, and dead silent. AKG 7xx series and the Sennheiser line (any of them) will have enough juice from this amp.
The HD 650 and 600 both sound stellar on the amp. A new standard in desktop amps under 400 dollars has been achieved. I actually decided I prefer it sans the Fiio E7, I just use a dac line out to connect it. I don't care for the look of the E7 sticking out of the top.
I don't think you lose much fidelity if you use the E7, it still sounds good, but a better dac, makes a small difference, The music streamer plus turns this amp into something you'de have to cough up much more to get a meaningful difference in sound, and it would be pretty subtle. I urge you to take the plunge, that power left in reserve really make a difference. It has a two position gain switch, the low setting should be plenty for just about any set of cans though.
The single best headphone amp purchaes I have ever made. price taken into account) I LOVE IT !!!! Does not sound bright, or boomy, very neutral. 5 stars and more. Take the plunge and hear the difference.
Hooked up an even better dac to this amp, and immediately ordered another one. Hooked up to an 800 dollar DAC, it is almost impossible to hear the difference on this modest cost amp, from a 1200 dollar amp. WOW ! It is better than I thought. My Vincent Audio amp has more power, and is a bit more refined, but on most recordings, you can't hear a difference. It takes the very finest of recording to distinguish the difference. I can't even say for sure (other than soundstage) that you could do much better. Using the E7 is fine, but that setup won't get the best this amp has to offer!
Bought this to drive a pair of 600 ohm Beyerdynamic DT-990s.I'm a basshead. But I like balanced sound, not bass heavy sound. My home theater has biamped Polk RTi-12s and a 650w Klipsch sub. I crave bass.I wont EQ a bass deficient recording, but a recording that has bass had better make the walls shake. And do it without boominess, or excessive volume.
So that's my sound preferences. I had hooked the Beyers to the HT receiver and they sounded good but I had to really crank the receiver's volume to get decent full sound. Now they sound as good or better than the Polks and Klipsch. The sound is rich and full and frankly, incredible.
One minor nitpick. There is a hi-lo gain switch on the back. Mine is obviously set on hi. I like hearing the sounds between the notes and this does it for me. Bach is as powerful and breaktaking as it should be, and in a bad live performance I can hear details that rival a high powered home theater.
I have to say this is the first time I've had a headphone experience that didn't leave me wishing i could just crank the speakers instead.
This being my first headphone amp I have nothing to compare it to but for the money it's a no brainer (I paid extra for fast shipping too).Like everyone else said, the appearance is great. - Amps - Headphone Amp - Ipod Accessory - Fiio'
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